Some organizations and companies at some stage need a paradigm breakthrough.
Apple is(was) a computer company, now cell phones? Can you imagine if the culture at Apple 6 years ago was against a paradigm shift to move to cell phones. The next normal path in bringing a user friendly computer to people is: computer, then music then the personal beautiful cellphone. Apple is a great example of a company that knows when to make a positive successful paradigm shift. Financially, consider what Apple would be today if the iPhone was not released.
Google a search company, now cell phones? (Financially, Google is an advertising company.)
My guess is 15 years ago some marketing person or engineer suggested adding a camera to a cell phone, and maybe lost his job over the crazy idea. Today it’s hard to find a phone without a camera.
Drew a software engineer, entrepreneur, blog writer, on camera person, now songwriting, now back to electronics and mathematics?
Some of us have stopped dreaming, we like predictable, stable and it has always worked, so why change it.
It is hard for a company culture to accept a new possibility, when the existing seems to be going well. Change is difficult and must be done slowly and carefully. People do like change, but want it slowly.
But one has to consider: when is the proper time for a paradigm shift!

Palouse Falls, Washington
December 10, 2014