Monthly Archives: December 2016

Machine Learning (AI) – some great courses

Maybe the top classes in Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Machine Learning – Stanford University | Coursera Andrew Ng, uses Octave/Matlab
Intro to Machine Learning Course | Udacity taught by Sebastian Thrun and Katie Malone, uses sk-learn, a Python platform
Deep Learning by Google | Udacity, uses sk-learn, a Python platform

Intro to Artificial Intelligence Class Online – Udacity

Intro to Artificial Intelligence – Udacity

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Columbia University

Machine Learning and algorithms – Columbia University

Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree | Udacity
Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning — Andrew Ng, Stanford
Machine Learning: Google’s Vision – Google I/O 2016
For introductory material on machine learning and neural networks:
‘Deep Learning’ at Berkeley,

Great AI Platforms – Artificial Intelligence

Great Google AI Platform: – Machine Intelligence
Also look at: Google Cloud Machine Intelligence and Google Cloud Machine Learning

Some AI platforms:

A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms

Most platforms seem to use python programming language (or c++) for the interface.

Some Terms

  • Data Analysis, Data Mining, Machine Learning and Mathematical Modeling are tools.
  • Artificial Intelligence — automatic ways of reasoning.
  • Machine Learning — turning data in to information and making decisions.
  • Data Mining — extracting information from lots of data
  • Artificial neural network (ANN)
  • Pattern recognition