Monthly Archives: August 2015

Creativity Needed – Brain–computer interface (BCI)

Creativity is needed in the area of brain–computer interface (BCI). So far the interfaces seem too crude and pre-historic. Both invasive and noninvasive methods seem like dinosaurs. The noninvasive approach of electroencephalography using probes on the skin of the brain is still too far away from the neural action.  The invasive approach is having to decide where in the brain to connect to. There is a great overview on Wikipedia. These are just my thoughts today.

Paradigm Breakthrough

I have talked about this before, but some organizations and companies at some stage need a paradigm breakthrough.   Lets look at the BCI technology that is looking for new ways for the brain to talk directly to the computer.  BCI is Brain to Computer Interface.

Columbia River, sunset

Columbia River, sunset

Books Helping Me in My latest Research Project:

Books Helping Me in My latest Research Project:

  • How to Create a Mind by Ray Kurzweil
  • Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance
  • Spikes – exploring the Neural Codes
  • A Practical Guide to Brain-Computer Interfacing with BCI2000
  • The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications (Ham Radio)
  • Detection of Signals in Noise by McDonough and Whalen
  • Some Links:
  • Signal Hound Spectrum Analyser
  • Gqrx – software defined radio powered by GNU-Radio
  • software defined radio news and projects
  • Radio Astronomy SDR Receivers
  • brain–computer interface (BCI)
  • Recording the entire nervous system in real time will unlock secrets of the brain
  • Brain Waves and Beta Buzz: The Wild Story of Neural Oscillations
  • Zero Span Mode For Pulsed Signal Analysis


Google was the 17th search engine (not the first). So watch, but don’t copy competition.

Optimism is an essential ingredient for innovation — Robert Noyce, Intel.

Think 10x = Think Big — Larry Page, Google

Na Pali Coast in North Kauai, Hawaii

Na Pali Coast in North Kauai, Hawaii